Artist Spotlight: Kate Farrall balances experimental photography and entrepreneurial spirit

You can read a little about my creative path in this Artist Sptlight written by Sena Christian for Solving Sacramento here. She speaks to both sides of my creative pracrtice - art and coaching. I’ve always viewed them as part of the same, whole practice so it’s nice to see them side-by-side in this article.

Solving Sacramento is a journalism collaborative of seven nonprofit and for-profit local newsrooms and one civic engagement organization working together to produce stories on the issues that impact the greater Sacramento region. They do this through a solutions lens.

Their partners include California Groundbreakers, CapRadio, Outword, Russian American Media, Sacramento Business Journal, Sacramento News & Review, Sacramento Observer and Univision 19.

By supplying readers with stories centered on solutions, we aim to cultivate hope among our community members, who then feel empowered — and equipped — to make positive change for Sacramento.

Printed quarterly, it’s a great resouce to learn about the arts and artists in Sacramento, California. They also have a newsletter if you’d like to have their articles sent to you. Read the Artist Spotlight and more here.


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